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Exchange & Refund Policy

At “Nailed It” customer satisfaction is our main priority. We try to be as flexible as possible and if you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, we will give you 14 days from the delivery date to return it to us and we’ll happily exchange it or give you a refund.

To be eligible for a refund the items must be in its original packaging and with your original receipt. Any items returned after 14 days from delivery date or not in original packaging, is damaged or missing parts for reasons not due to our error, will not be entitled for exchange or refund.

If you received faulty products, is not the item you were expecting, or the item has any manufacturer defect, then we will arrange free pick up from your location. If you want to get the same item and the amount is below free delivery bracket, we will deliver the item for free.

If you want to return the goods due to other reasons mentioned above, not related to products quality, then we will withhold 15 Aed from the refunded amount for picking up the goods by the courier. We will arrange the courier to pick the items up from your location.

Please check the items immediately after receiving them and contact us at or Call us on +9715012178238 if you are not satisfied and we will be more than happy to guide you to the next step.


We will exchange the item only after receiving back the delivered item. The fastest way to ensure you get the item you want is to return the item you have, and once the return is accepted, you can go ahead and purchase the new item.


Once we receive the refund request, we will analyze the request and if the refund is approved or not, we will get back to you within 24 hrs. If approved, we will refund the amount on the original payment method, and you will receive it back to your card within 14 business days (can take less or more days depending on your bank or credit card company).
If you didn’t receive the refund 14 days from the day we processed the refund, please contact us at or Call us on +9715012178238 and we will investigate it for you.

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